Thermographic Survey
Thermal imaging cameras are relatively simple devices, but like any diagnostic tool, it's possible to make mistakes with time. Novice users may forget to set up the ranges on the camera or overlook whether the measurement is in Celsius or Fahrenheit. Use of a specialist operator (GTGroup) is recommended.
The first rule of thermal imaging is to remember that unlike Superman, thermal imaging cameras do not see through objects - they can not look behind walls, doors, or covers. "They only the the first 1/10,000 of an inch of the energy radiating off of a surface," This is most commonly forgotten when searching for moisture problems.
"It's a myth that you can detect a water leak behind a wall," You can only spot moisture intrusion if the wall material easily conducts heat or the water changes the surface temperature of the wall. "Drywall is a good example - I can stand behind a panel, spray water on it, and a thermal camera will read it on the other side. But if a water leak is running down a pipe and pools below your floor surface without affecting the wall, you probably won't see it."
Measuring objects outside can also be tricky because you need to pay attention to wind speeds. Even a 10 mph breeze will give you a much lower temperature reading than what the object really is. This can also be a problem inside if you have fans running or are scanning something under a hot air return.
Thermal imaging cameras are often confused with handheld spot temperature guns. Both use infrared, but thermometers measure only one point, as opposed to the thousands of points a thermal camera uses.
Use an IR thermometer only if you know the location of a problem <e.g. the sealant on the second window from the left) and leave the infrared camera specialist (GTGroup) for when you're not sure if a problem exists in the first place. Not only will they be able to catch problems that you literally can't see, but regular thermo-graphic scans can decrease labor costs, keep workers safe, qualify you for insurance breaks, and increase the frequency of inspections you can perform.
Thermal images can also provide leverage when you need approval for upgrades. Instead of taking an incomprehensible spreadsheet of data to company leadership, you can show them a visual that instantly makes the problem clear.
"The bottom line is that any time you find that your building or plant is compromised, you are losing money - dollars are going right our your roof, windows, and doors or down the drain literally," "There is so much about your building that you can understand with a thermal camera that you wouldn't see otherwise. There will be a time when every facility manager uses an IR camera and wonders, "How did I ever do my job without these images?" Thermal imaging operations by GTGroup can be organised to not only cover Electrical equipment such as mains power plant control panels and buildings Distribution boards. Large electric motors can be regularly scanned to examine bell housing temperatures over time to help predict major bearing failures in these motors. Bell housing temperatures normally reflect the condition of the bearings within thus hopefully allowing bearing replacement prior to catastrophic failure and the need to replace a large motor.
Green Technology Group Ltd cab assist with all "Thermal Image operations," we have qualified, registered and licensed Electrical persons on staff to carry out thermal imaging work within major plant switch and distribution boards, thus relieving the normal requirement of using your staff to remove covers and replace them after imaging. If your building and plant can be photographed with a normal camera then most probably the same property may be thermal imaged with our equipment.
Have any questions? Feel free to contact our friendly sales team for assistance.